
A Very Successful Group Meeting: Commenced 27/10/11.

Our group are very lucky, as we all get along well, and are all able to agree on the distribution of work.

On the 27/10/11 we all met together and decided who would be doing what.
We decided that we would all do a part of the essay.
  • Abigail is going to do the introduction and the conclusion of the essay.
  • Tom is going to do part of the essay.
  • Kish is going to do part of the essay.
  • Rebecca is going to do part of the essay.
  • Steph is going to do the challenges toward society part of the essay.
Abigail will be piecing the essay together and make it all go together smoothly, and Rebecca is going to make sure that it is all Hardvard Referenced properly.

Kish and Tom are going to do the audio part of the assignment together, and then edit it together.

Until the essay is completed, Abigail is taking control of the blog, with help from everyone else who will find good examples, stories, news articles and blogs about media convergence to help us all understand further and improve our knowledge.
Rebecca provided us with one of her friends blogs for inspiration on the layout.


Steph is arranging the presentation, and also taking part with the blog along with everyone else.

Our next meeting is on 17/11/11 where all of the parts of the essay will be completed for a first draft.

Overall, we are all very happy and working well together.

By Abigail Weston.

First Group Meeting:

Aswell as being put in a group on 06/10/11, we also had our first group meeting.
In this meeting we all discussed the essay, and how it was going to be divided into five equal parts.

We did not discuss who would be doing what, however we did decide the essay would be around 600 words each, that we would all take part in the creation and content of the blog.
We also decided that we were going to audio, and not video as we think it will be a bit more effective.

By Abigail Weston


Today we had our first lecture, with lecturer, Yuwei Lin.
We were given the module assignment and put into our groups.
Our group consists of Abigail Weston, Kish Underhill, Rebecca Jarvis, Tom Bates and Steph Claydon.






By Abigail Weston.